What Is Microcurrent Therapy (M.T.)?

Electro-equiscope microcurrent therapy is a cutting-edge approach that harnesses the power of microcurrents to promote pain relief, accelerate healing, and rejuvenate the body. Unlike traditional electrical stimulation, Equiscope uses precise frequencies to resonate with the body’s natural bioelectrical processes.

Every cell in our body uses electricity (energy) to communicate. When there’s an injury or disease, this electrical communication can become disrupted. Electro-equiscope microcurrent therapy aims to restore this balance by delivering specific, tailored microcurrents that mimic the body’s natural electrical currents. This aids in reducing inflammation, promoting healing, alleviating pain, and initiating detoxification.

Primary Microcurrent Benefits

  • Pain Relief: Electro-equiscope can target areas of discomfort, reducing pain and inflammation without the need for medications.

  • Kickstart Healing Process: By enhancing cellular communication and energy, your body gains the tools to heal itself quickly, including, wounds, sprains, tears, and other injuries may begin to heal quickly.

  • Increased Flexibility: Improved electrical communication can lead to better muscle and tissue flexibility, reducing the risk of further injury.

  • Cellular Rejuvenation: Microcurrents can help revitalize cells, promoting overall wellness and vitality.

Targeted Microcurrent Benefits

  • Kickstarts healing process

  • Decrease inflammation and swelling

  • Increase sports performance and recovery

  • Support detoxification

  • Re-connect the brain and body’s electrical communication and signaling

  • Promotes TBI injuries and concussions

  • Improves sleep

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Break up scar tissue

Pain, at its core, often results from disrupted cellular communication. By targeting and restoring these bioelectrical processes, Equiscope can provide a non-invasive and drug-free solution to chronic and acute pain alike.

We take mental health and brain injuries very seriously at Journey Health and Wellness. Your brain waves have measurable frequencies that are used for specific tasks and activities. These frequencies are important for your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system to function properly. However, they can be disrupted by injury (TBI), concussions, or constantly being in a stress-fight or flight state. Too much or not enough of these frequencies can also have harmful effects on mood, attention span, stress, activity, energy levels, and your body’s ability to heal. The electro-equiscope can reintroduce these frequencies to the brain to help normalize the brain’s electrical activity.

BETA: 14-30hz: alert/awake, processing multiple stimuli, entering fight or flight. 

ALPHA: 7.5-14hz: relaxed, inward awareness, positive mood.

THETA: 3.5- 7.5hz: healing, relaxation, REM dream sleep state, meditation, creativity, and awareness

DELTA: .1-3.5 hz for dreamless deep sleep, relaxation, restricting attention and focus  

The Electro-Equiscope And The Brain

At a Cellular Level: Zombies!

Each cell in our body has the capacity to hold a certain amount of energy, like a small battery. The electro-equiscope finds cells with low energy levels and sends a corrective frequency to jump-start the cell. We like to call these low-energy and dying cells “zombie cells” because they are no longer functioning properly and destroying other cells around them. Once the cell is recharged and at full energy capacity, its ability to hold a charge increases, it can then take in more nutrients, get rid of toxins, fend off viruses and bacteria, and help heal the body quickly. 





One of the main benefits of the electro-equiscope is its ability to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. By targeting specific energy points on the skin, it can help to restore balance to the body’s energy systems and promote healing in the skin. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with skin conditions such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis.

  • Inflammation: The electro-equiscope can help to reduce inflammation in the skin. Inflammation is a common cause of skin redness, irritation, and swelling. By regulating the body’s energy flows, the electro-equiscope can help to calm inflammation and minimize these symptoms.

  • Detoxing Impurities: The electro-equiscope also has a detoxifying effect on the skin. It helps to remove toxins and impurities from the body, which can contribute to improved skin health. This is especially beneficial for individuals with congested or acne-prone skin.

  • Texture, Smooth, and Tighten: The electro-equiscope can improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin. By promoting circulation and stimulating collagen production, it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness, leading to a more radiant and youthful complexion.

  • Wound Healing: The electro-equiscope jumpstarts your cells with ATP energy and assists in rapid wound healing at the deepest levels of tissue all over the body.

Skin and Beauty





Journey Towards Electrical Harmony

Electro-equiscope microcurrent therapy offers a revolutionary approach to pain management, healing, and overall wellness. Whether you're dealing with chronic discomfort, seeking faster recovery from an injury, or improving skin health, Electro-Equiscope provides a safe and effective solution.

Connect with our team to learn more about Equiscope Microcurrent Therapy or to book your session.

Harmonize, revitalize, and harness your body's intrinsic power at Journey Health + Wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Electro-equiscope is an FDA Registered Class II medical device that has been used for over 30 years in mainstream and alternative medical practices.

  • Nope! You may feel a tingling sensation but it is painless.

  • At a cellular level this device recharges your cells, which allows the cells to discard toxins being held in the body for long periods of time. If you have a high toxin load or are on specific medication, you could experience detox symptoms or soreness the following day. The most common reaction is tiredness and headaches. However, this can be combated by staying hydrated with water and electrolytes.

  • You should not use microcurrent if you are pregnant or have an electrical simulation pacemaker.

  • This depends on your health goals.

     For an unknown ache or pain, it depends on someone’s age and time frame of the injury, which can take 3-12 sessions. Most of our clients feel at least a 30% decrease in pain levels after the first session.

     Therapy sessions for known injuries, tears, sprains, sciatica, and concussions, are customized to each client based on age, how old the injury is, scar tissue levels, and more. This can take up to 9 to 24 sessions.