What Is Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy (L.E.T.)?

Our bodies are intricate systems, and the lymphatic network plays a pivotal role in maintaining harmony and vitality. Through Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy (L.E.T.), we offer a rejuvenating and relaxing experience aimed at optimizing this essential system, ensuring that your body operates at peak performance.

The lymphatic system is the unsung hero of detoxification. It assists in eliminating toxins, supports our immune system, and plays a critical role in tissue repair. When it becomes sluggish or clogged due to various factors, our health may suffer. L.E.T. is designed to revitalize this system, promoting optimal flow and function.

Primary Benefits of L.E.T.


  • Deep Detoxification: By enhancing lymphatic drainage, L.E.T. helps detoxify the soft tissue, ridding the body of excess waste, bacteria, and other contaminants.

  • Immune System Boost: A well-functioning lymphatic system equates to a more robust immune response, safeguarding you from potential illnesses.

  • Stress Reduction: L.E.T. offers a relaxing therapeutic session, helping to reduce overall stress levels.

  • Swift Recovery: Accelerate healing and recovery from injuries, surgeries, and conditions that traditional modalities might not address.

If you seek a holistic approach to detoxification, improved immune function, or expedited healing, L.E.T. could be your answer. With cumulative benefits, a series of sessions is often recommended for achieving the best results.

  • Inactivity / Sedentary lifestyle

  • Poor/highly processed diet

  • Environmental toxins

  • Emotional stress state

  • Hormone Imbalances 

  • Injuries

  • Surgery

Factors Of A Sluggish Lymphatic System:

Applications For Improved Lymphatic Drainage

  • Lymphedema Care

  • Women’s Health

  • Stress Relief

  • Post Cancer Therapies

  • Frequent Ear Infections

  • Breast Conditions

  • Immune Function

  • Chronic Pain

  • Injury Rehabilitation

  • Pre/Post-Surgery

Lymphatic System

Our Device

At Journey Health + Wellness, we utilize the state-of-the-art Aria Elite device, an FDA-registered Class I therapeutic tool, for our L.E.T. sessions. It combines electrostatic current, sound waves, and light therapy, offering a soft holistic approach to lymphatic enhancement and tissue detoxification.

  • Safe and Effective Treatment: This relaxing therapy follows the body’s lymphatic detoxification pathways to rid the body of excess waste, bacteria, and viruses that accumulate in the connective tissue.

  • Comfort First: The therapy, utilizing 2 glass wands and red light targeted therapy, is designed to be ultra-relaxing, ensuring a serene experience throughout the 45-60-minute sessions. There is no physical touch or pressure used like other lymphatic massage or squeezing techniques.

Our approach is a blend of knowledge, care, and a sprinkle of fun. While health is a serious affair, learning and growing in wellness doesn’t have to be. Join us for a session or more, and let’s journey towards better health together.

Connect with our fully trained Certifed team to learn more about Lymphatic Enhancement Therapy or to book your session!

Experience L.E.T. With Us

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Skin should be clean and free of all lotions, oils, perfumes, and deodorants. The most important thing is to be well-hydrated. Begin drinking extra water a day before your session and continue drinking water for at least another 24-48 hours after your session for maximum benefits. Eat lightly on the day of treatment.

  • Some heart conditions such as CHS, if you are pregnant, or if there are known blood clots or potential blood clots.

  • While manual lymph massage does assist the body in increasing the flow of fluids by a gentle pumping and pushing motion, our L.E.T. therapy works at a deeper, cellular level to break up bacteria, viruses, and protein blockages congested in the lymph nodes and lymph capillaries.

    The 60 minute session works to convert thickened, stagnant lymph fluid back to more of a water consistency allowing it to flow more freely and rid the body of toxins. The detoxifying effects are also amplified with L.E.T. vs. manual lymph massage.

  • Most clients notice an immediate result and further improvement when they wake up the next day. Many describe a sensation of increased energy immediately after the session and then another spike the day after. With regular sessions, along with at-home lymph love, clients generally notice improved energy levels, mental clarity, and an overall sense of well-being. Results very depending on a person’s overall health profile and lifestyle choices.

  • If there are no contraindications, anyone can benefit from regular treatments using the L.E.T. However, individual sensitivity levels need to be considered and assessed early on. It is safe for infants up to the elderly.

  • Surgeries will compromise the body’s lymphatic flow. Other symptoms include weight gain, bloating, feeling achy and heavy, difficulty moving, repeated skin infections, growths in or under the skin, excessive sweating, body odor, muscle and joint pain, uneven breasts, breast tenderness, headaches, getting sick easily etc.

  • Everyone is different based on lifestyle, diet, and medical history. The goal is to unclog the entire lymphatic system and may take 6-12 sessions. Regular maintenance is recommended 1-2x per month after goals are achieved. It is also great to get a boost therapy before or after traveling, or during the sick seasons to help support the immune system.