What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Your digestive system plays a pivotal role in overall health, serving as the frontline in nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. With the modern world’s challenges – stress, processed foods, and environmental toxins – our colons often need a boost to function at their best. 

Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as colonics or colon irrigation, is a gentle, yet effective method aimed at internally cleansing your colon. Through the infusion of warm, UV-purified water into the colon, the therapy helps flush out accumulated toxins and waste matter, leading to a rejuvenated digestive system.

Benefits And Applications Of Colon Hydrotherapy

  • Improves cognition, clarity, and concentration

  • Sports performance and recovery through increased nutrient absorption 

  • Pre-operative preparations

  • Overall health and wellness

  • Leaky gut

  • Improves digestive function

  • Maintains bowel regularity

  • Relieves constipation

  • Improves skin health/ conditions, acne, and rashes

  • Increases absorption of vitamins and nutrients

The Importance of a Clean Colon

A healthy colon not only ensures efficient waste elimination but also influences how we absorb vital nutrients. Over time, our colon can accumulate plaque, toxins, parasites, and general inflammation, leading to decreased functionality. By opting for regular colon hydrotherapy, you can:

  • Enhance Digestive Functionality: Improve nutrient absorption and waste elimination.

  • Boost Energy Levels: Remove toxins that can cause fatigue.

  • Support Immune Health: A clean colon can lead to better immune system function.

  • Promote Mental Clarity: Elimination of toxins can lead to improved concentration and mood.

Whether you’re seeking a regular detoxification regimen, preparing for medical procedures, or aiming to restore your body’s natural cleansing process, colon hydrotherapy can serve as a valuable addition to your health and wellness journey.

What to Expect

  • Do not eat at least 2 hours before the therapy. This will help combat additional cramping. Drink plenty of water in preparation.

  • Your therapist will go through your intake form to make sure there are no contraindications. Then they will coach you through the features of the device, how to control water flow and temperature.

    The therapist will step out to allow you to get situated and insert your pencil-thin rectal tube in private. During the session, you will be covered from the waist down and have a timer to know when your session is over. Then, when you are ready, the therapist will return and provide you with a heating pad or red light pad, make sure you are comfortable, and answer any questions you may have.

    The duration of your therapy session is completed in private unless you call in a therapist for assistance. A simple push bell system is set up in each room to call your therapist for if needed. When the warm water starts to flow, you may feel a warming sensation in your abdomen. Some cramping is common if it is your first time or are heavily compacted. You will feel the sensations of ‘fullness’ in your abdomen and have the urge to push. We advise you to not push when this feeling arises, letting the body naturally expel the water will combat exhaustion, additional cramping, and soreness of the rectum after the session.

    When the session is complete, you will stay on the device to make sure you expel any water that may still be in the colon. Then you take yourself off the device, get dressed, and use one of the many restrooms we have in our facility.

  • Food choices are important after colonics to avoid inflammation. Our recommendations include soft foods and fruits, steamed vegetables, juicing, or smoothies. Avoid alcohol, meat, dairy, wheat, beans, fried foods, and hard-to-digest fruits and vegetables.

    After the first few sessions, you may feel tired or have a headache. This is normal. Rest and relax after a session but you can return to normal daily activities. However, we do not advise any strenuous exercise after a session.

    The most optimal therapy is 10 sessions. 3x per week. This will allow the entire colon to be cleansed.

The LIBBE Difference

We proudly use the LIBBE Colon Hydrotherapy System, an FDA-registered Class II medical device, offering a safe, dignified, and efficient colon cleansing experience. Our therapists are I-ACT certified colon hydro therapists. 

  • Comfort & Dignity: The LIBBE system ensures client comfort, offering both privacy, modesty, and more control of their own therapy.  We have two private rooms available. 

  • Natural Process: With its continuous inflow and release mechanism, LIBBE promotes a more natural and gentle waste elimination process.

  • Safety First: All our procedures use disposable rectal tubes, ensuring utmost hygiene and safety.  Waste is immediately washed down the bay funnel for maximum hygiene and efficiency.

  • Continues support: Our technicians always protect your privacy. There is a bell in each room to call a technician for help or to answer questions. We also offer advice on how to prepare for more beneficial therapy and food choices before and after each session. 

Contradictions of Colon Hydrotherapy

Included: recent colon, rectal, or abdominal surgery; congestive heart failure; intestinal perforations; carcinoma of the rectum; fissures or fistula; severe hemorrhoids; abdominal hernia; renal insufficiency; pregnancy; and cirrhosis of the liver, and certain medications. If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy, please consult your physician or licensed healthcare practitioner.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everyone is different. Some people don’t have any symptoms at all, and it actually increases their energy levels. However, if you do experience side effects after a session it could include tiredness, the urge to use the restroom, more frequent bowel movements, and potential cramping. Symptoms may worsen if there is a known bacterial infection in the intestines, such as SIBO. In this case, we may suggest other therapies leading up to colonics.

  • The goal is to clean the entire large intestine within 10 sessions. The first session may only reach the first few inches if the colon is compacted.

  • There is reported weight loss after colon hydrotherapy. Once all 10 therapy sessions are achieved, waste and toxins being held in the colon long-term will be flushed out. This can help your body re-regulate/ balance, absorb nutrients, and regulate bowel movements. Which may lead to natural weight loss. The appropriate food choices and lifestyle factors may need to be addressed to truly meet any weight loss goals.

  • We take HAS and FSA cards, but traditional insurance does not cover the therapy.

  • The first few sessions may loosen up the stool and allow you to keep expelling waste throughout the day. The more sessions you do the longer it may take you to complete a bowel movement after. It could potentially be 1-3 days until your next bowel movement, which is normal.

  • YES, we go through each individual intake form to rule out any contraindications. The temperature-controlled water is double-filtered with a water filter and a UV light filter. You control the gentle flow to your comfort level.

  • We recommend doing 10 sessions to achieve a fully clean colon, 2-3x per week. You know your body and your comfort level, and from there you can do maintenance a few times per year, after travel, or just when you believe you need a reset.

  • It is perfectly safe to continue sessions if menstruating. However, if you are pregnant, you should not continue with the therapy. We also do not recommend continuing colon hydrotherapy if you are breastfeeding.

  • Allow 60 minutes for the session as we encourage a little prep time before and some relaxing time after the full 45-minute cleanse on the device. Relax in our private lounge for as long as you like. We have three private bathrooms available here at Journey.

  • We provide a clear viewing tube allowing clients the option of privately “inspecting” their discharge as it travels on its path out of the building. Feces color, shape and content can be direct clues to health and wellbeing. Many clients pair colon hydrotherapy with various cleanses, such as a parasite cleanse, liver cleanse, heavy metal, or mold cleanse, to achieve greater results.

  • We always prefer natural therapies rather than taking any pharmaceuticals unless it is absolutely necessary. We can also advise you on diet, hydration, and lifestyle to help regulate the body’s detoxification and bowel movements naturally.